Your Third Eye Chakra is the one that needs your attention right now.
Main topics associated with the Third Eye Chakra:
This Chakra is related to intuition and understanding. It’s also associated with clairvoyance and seeing beyond the five body senses. It’s all about imagination and being able to see what others can’t.
When in balance
A balanced Brow Chakra leaves us with the ability to perceive our reality from a perspective of concern, but without attachment. We’re able to assess what’s really going on and make decisions from that place. We’re masters of ourselves and can see the big picture, and our place in it. We make decisions from our power, not from fear.
Under active
An under active Brow Chakra may exhibit through being undisciplined, meek, afraid of success, and oversensitive.
Over Active
An over active Brow Chakra may exhibit as being egotistical, arrogant, manipulative, dogmatic, and condescending.
Information about Isis
Isis is the Goddess associated with the Brow Chakra.
She was known as ‘The mother of the stars, the parent of seasons, the mistress of all the world’ – Apuleius, Roman, 2c AD.
The name Isis comes from the Greek version of ASET (seat of the throne).
She was the daughter of Geb – god of the earth and Nut – goddess of the sky. This is representative of the join in our Third Eye Chakra between our universal consciousness (sky) and our physical body (earth).
She was known for magic that encompassed daily life and the afterlife. She was the protector of the dead. Associated with Venus (love), Fortuna (luck) and Demeter (agriculture), and Persephone (Plutarch), Isis became worshipped as the goddess of good fortune, sea, and travel.
Cleopatra claimed to be her living incarnation.
Details of this card:
Egyptian Symbol: A throne
Egyptian Identity: Wife of Osiris, Mother of Horus and Bast, patroness of magic
Hieroglyph: The Ab or Heart
Nature: Fixed
Upright Meanings:
- Compassion
- Caring
- Maternal love
- Magical Arts
- Perseverance
Reversed Meanings:
- Superstition
- Insularity
- Lack of concern
- Over possessiveness