Sirius was the sacred star of the ancients. It has both physical and psychic connotations. Thus, this card represents all genuine contacts with other intelligences in the universe, but at the same time deals with ordinary physical strength and energy. Meanings that are associated with this card are universal awareness, space travel, adventure, and strength.
Sirius represents any activity that requires strength combined with some sort of skill – for example, sports or martial arts. If you see Sirius here, there’s a possibility that you are interested in or a participant in such sports. Or alternatively that your occupation requires not only brains but a bit of brawn too.
So, if Sirius shows up as your state of security, it’s possible that you’re feeling slightly ‘out there’.
You’re tapping into your universal state of awareness to bring things into being, so the security isn’t quite there in a tangible way, yet.
But you are powerful. You can do this, even through it’s not in the 3D quite yet.