
Sirius as the way you can improve your self-love

Sirius was the sacred star of the ancients. It has both physical and psychic connotations. Thus, this card represents all genuine contacts with other intelligences in the universe, but at the same time deals with ordinary physical strength and energy. Meanings that are associated with this card are universal awareness, space travel, adventure, and strength.
Sirius represents any activity that requires strength combined with some sort of skill – for example, sports or martial arts. If you see Sirius here, then finding a way to combine your brains with your brawn will help you improve your self-love.
From a mental point of view, Sirius is the guiding star of any pioneering project that might require dogged determination and stamina. It may be that you possess these qualities already. Or it may be that you would benefit from developing such personality traits if you are going to reach a successful outcome.
If Sirius appears as the way you can improve your self-love, typically, it’s time to do some serious self-contemplation. Your impressions about what is going on around you are totally tuned into the universe today. You have your finger on the pulse of reality itself. It’s possible that you’ll feel strong and adventurous, and perhaps you’ll even feel as it it’s time to go with your heart and trust your own vision.
So, open yourself up to the energy of the ancients. They will help you if you ask them to. Look at Akashic Healing, look at meditation, feel into the universal awareness that is all around you. Once you do that, you’ll be able to dip into the flow of the universe and attract what your soul needs to you, rather than you chasing it.
Sirius is the planet where the ancients came from. This card here is representative of you being plugged into something so powerful and advanced and knowledgable as to be beyond comprehension. This is Universal Awareness. Your intuition could not BE more in tune. But Sirius is also about stamina and pioneering. And you’ve had and have got plenty of both. Mental power, physical power. You’ve got it.

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