The Scarab is the god of resurrection and immortality. It speaks of renewal, adaptability, and acceptance. If you see a Scarab in your reading, then it’s talking about a new beginning or a new phase of your life. It also suggests the ability to either adapt to a new situation or to accept an existing one that cannot be changed.
If the Scarab appears in your reading, then a new situation or the acceptance of an existing one (leading to a change) certainly forms part of the picture. A new beginning or a spiritual (or psychological, or physical) rebirth is indicated when you see Scarab. What was once an irrefutable truth for you that now you consider to be incomplete? Are there any stories that you need to drop?
Having Scarab appear here would indicate that a great way to feel more grounded would be to try something out of the ordinary. Is there something you’ve considered and dismissed because it’s just ‘not you’? Well, reconsider – it may be that the energy it encompasses is exactly the thing you need right now.