
Osiris as the solution to the problem

If you find Osiris in this ‘advice offered’ position, then there is a suggestion that perhaps there’s an older male energy that you could ask for advice. Or the suggestion may be that you need to act as fairly as you can at every level.
This is because Osiris is the symbol of spirituality. It could be that you already know the answers to your questions, but that you need to find a way to access your own inherent wisdom.
At a very basic level, there is an implication here that you need to take the lead, take responsibility and do the right thing. You already probably know what the right thing to do is. You likely hold that resolution within you already. But it’s perfectly possible that the actions you believe you need to take feel very heavy. It might all feel a little bit scary, but it’s time for you to step up and do what you know you need to do. 
If you’ve been hiding inside your comfort zone, then Osiris is telling you to look at the thing you know you should do. He’s also telling you that even though it’s outside your comfort zone, it still needs to be done.

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