
Osiris as the cause of the problem

If you find Osiris in the second position of this reading, it could be that you resent being held responsible for something. Or perhaps it’s just too heavy and annoying. You’re being asked to do something that you don’t feel ready to do.
Either this is because it’s just too much responsibility, or because there’s some kind of leadership vibe to it that you just don’t want to take on.
Alternatively, it might refer to (typically) an older male figure who is trying to impose his will upon you. Certainly, Osiris represents a male energy. Typically he plays the benign father figure, but perhaps it’s that in this particular card position, he’s trying to push you into doing something traditional. Something that you know isn’t right for you.
Another possible implication is that someone involved in this issue is acting in a limited, blinkered or self-delusional manner.

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