
Isis as the emotions that you need to allow yourself to feel (rather than repressing them)

Isis is the Queen who loves her subjects and cares for the weak and helpless. Her magical energies are entirely selfless and used only in the service of those who come under her care and guidance. 
This card suggests that you possesses Isian qualities and if you can find a way to feel better, that you will be prepared to use any special powers you have to help those in need. Since Isis is the Patron of mothers this is naturally fortunate for those entrusted with the care of young children – either their own or others.
If Isis appears for you in this position, it would indicate that your superpowers are compassion, caring and/or perseverance.
Isis was the original Goddess, and she was apt to perform miracles. She was the embodiment of magic. She was also relentless in her quest to resurrect her lost love, Osiris. Finding her in this position would imply that perseverance is also one of your strengths. As is a capacity for deep love. 
While you are coming to a conclusion about any actions you might take, try to imagine yourselves in the position that Isis once found herself. You both hold a position of power, and you can choose to be compassionate, helpful and kind, should you so wish.
Finding her here indicates that the emotions you need to allow yourself to feel are very much to do with her energy.
Isis was able to overcome some significant obstacles and got what she wanted in the end. She was a miracle worker. So are you. She is also very linked with motherhood, magic, compassion and perseverance. She stands up for the weak and she uses her powers to help people who have none.
So, you should allow yourself to feel proud, feel defensive, feel powerful, feel exhausted with the need to be the fighter for freedoms and goods. But remember that Isis won out in the end. And so will you.

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