
Horus as the cause of the problem

If Horus is found in this, second, position then it’s quite possible that you could feel that you’ve been treated unfairly. Alternatively, Horus sometimes pertains to physical healing, so perhaps you’re not feeling at your best or are concerned about your health?
Horus also represents courage and heroism… are you scared of taking the next step?
Horus also concerns harmony and artistry and beauty and creativity. So, if this card is appearing for you here, is it because you’re feeling stifled?
Typically Horus is a good looking man with a winning personality. But in this position, he could instead represent an element of narcissism, vengeance, or insecurity. Rather than representing courage, as he would normally, he could be talking about timidity, eccentricity or discord of some sort.
And finally Horus is is the card that depicts families, perhaps you’re having trouble with some sort of family issue?

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