Your Heart Chakra is the one that needs your attention right now.
Main topics associated with the Heart Chakra: Balance, love, and connection (love and compassion, ego, hope, positive attitude).
When in balance
A balanced Heart Chakra leaves us feeling unconditional love, emotionally balanced, empathetic, and compassionate. It’s also related to giving, receiving, love, and self-acceptance
Under active
An under active Heart Chakra may exhibit through feelings of paranoia, indecisiveness, feeling unloved, feeling sorry for oneself, and being afraid of letting go. We might be stingy with ourselves and others.
Over Active
An over active Heart Chakra may exhibit as being very critical, mood swings, possessiveness, tense, and possibly even manic depressive. We can feel jealous, defensive, and suspicious.
Information about Hathor
Hathor is the Goddess associated with the Heart Chakra.
Hathor is the Goddess of motherhood and childbirth/delivery. She is closely associated with the afterlife. She was the wife of Horus and was revered as a mortuary goddess. She was also the Goddess of love, music, and joy and was closely associated with sensual power. Her legend predated Isis in many temples.
Hathor originates from Mighty Goddess Sekhmet (associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra) who was created to punish humankind. She almost destroyed it until the other gods trick her into drinking red beer (to look like blood), at which point, she changed into a kind Hathor.
Details of this card:
Egyptian Symbol: A mirror
Egyptian Identity: Goddess of Beauty, love, and strength, Patroness of women
Hieroglyph: The Sekhem or Power
Nature: Fixed
Upright Meanings:
- Fortitude
- Nourishment
- Femininity
- Astrology
- Organisation
- Confidence
Reversed Meanings:
- Vacillation
- Intimidation
- Deprivation
- Vanity
- Bad Eating Habits