
Hathor as What you need to Release

Like Hathor, the goddess who whispers of love and artistry, this card it beckoning you to let go of your need to stifle yourself. Why won’t you let yourself be… YOU?

You don’t have to pretend to be all things to all people any more. It’s time to stop trying so hard to prove yourself to everyone else. Spoiler alert, it’s not really them that you’re trying to prove yourself to…
Instead of all that, release the self-imposed (or in some cases, externally applied) ’shoulds’ and ‘musts’ that have muted your music of late. Instead, embrace Hathor’s song of self-love, and dance like no-one is watching.

Self-care isn’t self-ish. The truth is that it’s only when our cups are full-to-overflowing that we’ll be able to consistently give to others without becoming depleted ourselves.

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