Hathor as the advice offered: If Hathor appears in this position, if you are a woman, then she is standing beside you and offering you her strength. She will help you embody ‘woman in her strongest aspect’.
If you are a man, then Hathor is offering you the insight you might need into the areas of life that have historically been associated with women – cooking, hair styling, beauty, clothing, fashion, etc. Or perhaps she’s asking you to tune into your intuition to see what you need to do. We’re all part animus/anima.
Either way, Hathor is telling you that you have the power to overcome this situation and that the key to your success has something to do with femininity, astrology, caring, nourishment or confidence.
If you have felt exhausted by life, then Hathor is telling you to rein in all of the caring for everyone else before taking care of yourself. You have to put your own oxygen mask on first if you are going to help the ones you love or provide the service you want to provide.
Self-sacrifice only serves to weaken you. You are worthy of looking after yourself. And in fact, you’d be of much greater help to the ones you wish to serve if you were operating from your most powerful state, rather than from your weakest.