Fire as the cause of the problem: The first or “Senior” of the four Elements, Fire is essentially forceful and creative. It represents the application of available energy according to where it falls in a reading or to what other uses it is being put.
Fire is all about energy, creativity, loyalty, valour, ardour and in certain circumstances, it can also mean anger and dramatic change.
Occasionally, if you are asking about a specific person, and their astrological sign belongs to one of the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) then this card can appear as a confirmation that they are involved in the issue.
In this position, it often refers to problems such as inertia, or listlessness. Has your get up and go, got up and gone? In this position, Fire can be a portent of sterility.
Or are you simply very, very cross about something? Or desperate for something to change? Perhaps are you surrounded by angry people? Finally, when your question is about a specific person or group, then it can also talk of disloyalty, or being fast to anger.