Earth as the cause of the problem: Earth energy is all about the practical aspects of life that concern everyone so much. So having this card appear in this position would indicate that there is some practical issue (typically fertility- or money-related) that is raising its head.
The Earth card can talk about thrift, conservation issues, practical matters and all things that grow – birds, bees, humans, flowers, everything else.
Earth in this position can also mean that you are concerned with issues caused by idleness, parsimony, and waste. Or that rather than enjoying the abundance of life, you are experiencing dourness, meanness, and miserliness. This may be your own, or it may relate to someone about whom you asked the question.
Occasionally, if you are asking about a specific person, and their astrological sign belongs to one of the earth signs Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo then this card can appear as a confirmation that they are involved in the issue.
And finally, if Earth is showing up in this position, it might be that you are struggling to grow something – be it money, the lifestyle you desire or your family.