
Air – How to feel more grounded

Air is a moveable sign. So the initial indication here would be to get moving. And Air is, of course, related to the astrological air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), and has a lot of the same traits – Like actual Air itself, the Air signs hold strong energy of action, ideas, and movement.

The actual definition of this specific card in the Cartouche is a little different. It speaks of intellect, travel, communication, and speed. There’s a strong link with commerce here, as well. Air is the communicator and the mover of energies. It moves matters along and it blows away any cobwebs that might be hanging around. Air is also associated with the speed of thought and therefore with the retention of knowledge.

So, moving around will help, dramatically, but if you can find a way to communicate while you do it, you’ll get bonus balancing points.

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