
Thoth as the way you can become better connected with your emotions

Thoth covers all forms of learning from simple skills to advance education. He was also the Lord of Time, so all aspects of Karma are covered by this card, including Good Fortune if upright or bad luck if reversed.

Thoth was the keeper of the Akashic Records, the Scribe to the Gods and the Patron of Healers. His appearance in this reading would indicate that you are skilled in one of the following matters –  Akashic Healing, Karma, healing or health, the law, alchemy (or its modern equivalents) or education in all of its forms. Alternatively, it may imply that acquiring knowledge for the sake of knowledge is something that you love to do.
Thoth is the card that would indicate that becoming better connected with your emotions very firmly forms part of your life lessons this time around. It’s a fundamental part of what you’ve come to Earth to learn during this lifetime. This may or may not indicate a learning journey for you.
Thoth is also controls healing and health so it’s possible that you are feeling a little drained by the situation.
Thoth is one of the wisest of the Oracle Cards. Thoth himself was an advisor to the King, he knew exactly what needed to be done. He was a magician and a powerful manifestor.
And whereas Horus and Bast deal with physical and mental healing, Thoth is the third major healing card in the Cartouche. His energy helps you identify the real cause of any health problem (or Karmic debt) and tackle it. Thoth is inextricably linked with Karma – so if you’re feeling out of sorts, it’s definitely the right card to trigger some self-contemplation about your current trajectory.
Thoth was the alchemist. Your soul alchemy is powerful, how can you use it to connect with your emotions more easily? He was also about law, eduction and healing and health. Now that you are aware of the issues, you can heal them.

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